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Day 12: Strike a pose

Our bodies take quite a beating through the birth process, and if we don’t care for them afterwards, they may never fully recover.

After two weeks of obsessing over my child at every moment, cradling her and incessantly baby-gazing, I noticed an ache in my upper back. Just a twinge at first, when I moved a certain way. But then it became more constant and radiated up my neck. Soon, all the muscles in my back were protesting this perpetually hunched baby-gazing position.

I wasn't in a routine yet where I felt like I could dedicate a chunk of time to myself, so I started throwing in a yoga pose here and there to give myself some relief. Make no mistake, as my nether regions healed, these were nothing but the basics.

Legs up the wall.

Child's Pose.

Clasping my hands behind my back.

Stretching my neck to each side, using my hand and gentle pressure.

Opening through the chest by leaning my head back into my hands.

Even these simple movements provided relief to my overexerted body. So use 30 seconds whenever you can find it to do one simple stretch.

Your body will thank you.

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