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Day 84: New Years It Up

I love New Years Eve. I love it because it asks us to reflect, and use that reflection as a means of looking forward. It is a natural time to pause during the year, to collect oneself, to look at the bigger picture. I love it so much that I try to recreate it at regular intervals throughout my year, with the changing of the seasons, my birthday, new school years, etc.

The end of the Fourth Trimester is undoubtedly a time to reflect. This is a significant moment— not unlike a New Year in that the time immediately behind and time immediately ahead will not look so different from each other—but a significant milestone has been reached that invites us to consider the prior phase of life before moving into a new one.

Take this day to pause and reflect. Look back at all your millions of photos from the first 12 weeks, and collect them into an album. Recall your birth story with your partner or family members. Marvel at your small creation and consider the many steps he or she has made since they first emerged from the womb. Think about how deeply scary it might have felt for you in the first few days and the confidence you’ve gained since them. Meditate on what it is you are grateful for. Bask in it all.

Then, turn your eyes forward. Set an intention for yourself- how would you like to be for the next twelve weeks with your baby? What are some things you can let go of? What can you further cultivate? What habits would you like to weave through your life? What practices would you like to use to help keep you grounded, present, and loving?

Happy New Trimester, Mamas! Congratulations on emerging from this most fragile period. May the next twelve weeks be filled with delightful developments. May your challenges and obstacles feel surmountable.

May you be happy.

May you be healthy.

May you be peaceful.

May you know love.


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