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Day 28: See the extraordinary in the ordinary

At some point, the magic of incessantly staring at my baby wore off, and days began to feel like a monotonous trudge of repetitive tasks: feed, change diaper, cuddle, try to sneak away from baby during naps, repeat.

This is where committed effort to presence became especially important. How do I continue to be amazed by this little being? How do I appreciate how truly extraordinary it is that I brought her into this world, and she is surviving on our efforts? Mindfulness invites us to begin each day, each moment even, anew, as if we had never experienced it before. Can we set an intention in the morning to be in awe of our little loves? Can we remember that intention as we do the same thing for the millionth time? After all, this moment in time really only exists right now. It will NEVER be repeated. So by continuously bringing our full attention to each moment, we become enamored, again, and again, and again.

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