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Day 29: Don't forget to eat

I never understood my friends who would be out at a late afternoon coffee date and say, "Oh! I forgot to eat today. I should get something." I never had that problem. That is, until my little chalupa came along. Suddenly I find myself at midday having not eaten a morsel, and wonder why I am lightheaded and lethargic. I have had to train myself to check in from the beginning of the day to avoid this folly. After all, if I don't eat, she doesn't get the nutrients she needs. Not to mention the very real and dangerous risk of a hangry mommy. I started making a point of having regular meals, even if they are prepared with one hand and eaten over her head (One time, we found a handful of corn bread crumbs in her neck rolls.) Mealtimes, too, are important, and my husband and I make a point of eating a meal together, even if one of us is bouncing her on the yoga ball at the table. So make sure you're eating healthy, nourishing foods. Even if they are quick to prepare pre-made soups and whole grain toast with peanut butter. When you can, have it at the table with someone you love. And while you are eating, slow down. Smell the food before you bring it to your lips. Really taste each bite. Feel the impact on the body as it receives these bits. It's amazing how the body responds when it gets the calories and nutrients it needs.

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