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Day 45: Avoid the Swoop and Save

Step away from the changing table, relinquish control of the bottle, avoid the swoop and rescue. Even if you can do it better. Especially if you can do it better.

Giving up control of the care of our babies can be hard. For those of us lucky enough to have partners willing to get dirty with us, we need to let them take the lead. I often find myself hovering around when my husband is changing the baby to make sure he gets in all the creases, or I am quick to whisk her away when she's inconsolable. I tell myself it's for their sake, because I have been home doing this stuff every day, and thus am naturally better. But let's be real. It's just feeding my need for control. So what if the diaper is Velcroed a bit differently than I usually do it? So what if he bounces her over his left shoulder instead of his right?

If you find yourself going in for the swoop, see if you can pause. Notice, take a full breath, and trust. Trust that others are capable too. Allow others in your life to develop their own independent relationship with your child. They'll figure it out. And maybe even figure out some things you haven't.

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